Logo design by Jessica Niver. Thanks, Jessica!  
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TUE, NOV 5, 2024
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SUN, NOV 17, 2024
Mitzvah Mall, Noon-3pm, Congregation Beth Sholom, 7525 E Northern Lights Blvd, Anchorage

SAT, NOV 23, 2024
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, DEC 3, 2024
Holiday Potluck AND Board Elections
(In-person and Zoom)

SAT, DEC 28, 2024
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)


TUE, JAN 7, 2025
Educational Meeting

SAT, JAN 25, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, FEB 4, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, FEB 22, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, MAR 4, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (In-person and Zoom)

SAT, MAR 22, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, APR 1, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, APR 26, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, MAY 6, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, MAY 17, 2025
"Reading Rendezvous" on the Loussac Library lawn 12-4pm

SAT, MAY 24, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, JUN 3, 2025

SAT, JUN 21, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

SAT, JUN 21, 2025
Bird Club Picnic, Abbott Park, 11AM-3PM

TUE, JUL 1, 2025

SAT, JUL 26, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM

TUE, AUG 5, 2025
Educational Meeting

SAT, AUG 23, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, SEP 2, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (In-person and Zoom)

SAT, SEP 27, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, OCT 7, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, OCT 25, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, NOV 4, 2025
Educational Meeting
7-9PM (Zoom)

SAT, NOV 22, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)

TUE, DEC 2, 2025
Holiday Potluck AND Board Elections
(In-person and Zoom)

SAT, DEC 27, 2025
Board Meeting, 5-7PM (Zoom)


Emergency Preparedness: Overview
Overview  •   First Aid  •   Volcano  •   Links
Emergency Preparedness Planning for Parrots

Emergencies and disasters come in all sizes from medical emergencies involving a single bird to regional disasters which threaten the well-being of people and pets over a wide area. You cannot plan for every disaster! Instead, be general in your preparedness efforts, be flexible in your response to disaster, and lower your stress levels by knowing ahead of time that chaos will be in charge.

Preparedness information presented on this web site is by no means an exhaustive resource. Links are provided which can take you to other resources for preparedness planning. Do your homework and build your human family preparedness plan before you tackle one for your animals. If you cannot take care of yourself, you won't be of any help to your pets!

A good first step is to have a full profile and behavior sheet on record for each bird along with a photo of each bird. Make two copies of each. Keep one set with your important papers that go with you if you evacuate. The other set can go with the bird if it has to go to a temporary shelter or to the vet. The photos will help identify your bird when it is time to be reunited. Visit our Bird Care Downloads page where you can obtain a Parrot Profile form in a variety of formats.

To assist us in knowing what resources and needs our club members have, we have made available a Disaster Preparedness Survey which you can print, fill out and submit to the club.

We also have a one-sheet Disaster Preparedness Worksheet which you can use to guide you to some basic steps in preparing for disaster.

The Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has extensive online resources including books and online training to help your family, neighborhood, and community be prepared for emergencies and disasters.

Visit http://www.ready.gov for more information.



The Alaska Bird Club • P.O. Box 101825 • Anchorage AK 99510
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alaskabirdclub/
Email: akbirdclub@yahoo.com
Voice mail: (907) 868-9070